Missing Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.CoreEditor when installing Visual Studio extension

Missing Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.CoreEditor when installing Visual Studio extension

l think the main issue is that you did not modify the version of Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.CoreEditorto support Visual Studio 2019 in catalog.json file. So when you run the vsix file, it will monitor and then run the file is missing the corresponding VS2019 Microsoft.VisualStudio.Com ponent. CoreEditor.


Apart from the changes to extension.vsixmanifest file, please also change "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.CoreEditor":"[15.0,16.0)" in catalog.json file to [15.0,17.0).

Hope it could help you.

As Perry Qian-MSFT said when using older vsix packages on newer Visual studio you should update [14.0,16.0] to whatever is the current VS version [14.0,xx.x].

Within files

  • catalog.json
  • manifest.json
  • extension.vsixmanifest

As an alternative, you may want to modify the Visual Studio Installation (with Visual Studio Installer) and include the "Visual Studio extension development". Odds are, this toolset will fix the missing requirement issue. Visual Studio Installer Toolset