Missing last sequence in seq() in R

In seq(), "The second form generates from, from+by, ..., up to the sequence value less than or equal to to." And also since 35280 is not in the requested sequence, it is not returned.

But you can use a calculation in the arguments it you wan to include the next value. Since you know the to value, assign it a name and use it.

by <- 200
out <- 35280

x <- seq(from = by, to = (out + by - out %% by), by = by)

# [1] 177
# [1] 35400

If you want to include the to value, even if it is not in the requested sequence, you can write a little function to add it back on

seqil <- function(..., include.last = TRUE) {
    x <- do.call(seq.default, list(...))
    if(include.last) c(x, to) else x

by <- 200

x <- seqil(from = by, to = 35280, by = by)
# [1] 34400 34600 34800 35000 35200 35280

You can place if statement for the last element of the vector such as in the following function :

seqlast <- function (from, to, by) 
  vec <- do.call(what = seq, args = list(from, to, by))
  if ( tail(vec, 1) != to ) {
    return(c(vec, to))
  } else {


by <- 200
to <- seqlast(from=by,to=35280,by=by)

will return

> head(to)
[1]  200  400  600  800 1000 1200
> tail(to)
[1] 34400 34600 34800 35000 35200 35280


