Missing execution plans for stored procedures

There are two plan cache DMFs:

sys.dm_exec_query_plan - returns cached plans in XML format, but only up to a certain size (and only as long as they can be formatted as XML in SQL Server, which means up to 128 nested levels.)

sys.dm_exec_text_query_plan - returns cached plans in text format, of any size. But the drawback is that when plans are large, you can't convert them to XML inside SQL Server, and even TRY_CONVERT as XML returns a null.

sp_BlitzCache only hits the former DMV (because it needs to analyze query plans as XML to do all kinds of slicing and dicing.) I made Github issue #838 to improve this so we could at least alert users to go check sys.dm_exec_text_query_plan for their bigger queries. We still won't be able to do XML analysis on it, though.