Missing default-568h@2x launch image, launch image won't display

I meet the same problem, but the result comes out because i changed the Launch Image Source Setting. Here is how I fix it:

  1. Go to the target in the Project Editor
  2. Select the General tab
  3. Find the "APP Icons and Launch Images" section and click "Launch Images Source"
  4. If the current state is "Use Asset Catalog", select "Migrate".

Problem Solved.

Xcode 11 outputs this error if you move your Info.plist file and forget to tell Xcode about the new location in Build Settings.

The Info.plist contains metadata about your LaunchScreen storyboard/image. Apparently, Xcode assumes you want to use a launch image (and did not provide one) when it cannot find the target's Info.plist file. Updating the Info.plist location in Build Settings fixes this disconnect:

  1. Select the Project file (top item) in the sidebar.
  2. Select the Target in the Project editor.
  3. Select the Build Settings tab in the Project editor.
  4. Scroll/search for "plist", or "INFOPLIST_FILE" to be exact.
  5. Double-click the plist entry to edit it, and type in the correct location for the Info.plist file. (e.g. if you moved it to a Resources folder within the MyGreatApp project root folder, set the value to "MyGreatApp/Resources/Info.plist")

This is not the OP's situation (they intended to use launch images), but I thought I would add this breadcrumb for anyone like me who got this error after moving an Info.plist file.


