Minikube default CPU/Memory

The default memory limit is 2GB and the CPU limit is 2. You can see the current config with the following command:


~ ❯ minikube config view vm-driver
- cpus: 4
- memory: 16384

Each one;

~ ❯ minikube config get memory                                          ✘ INT

~ ❯ minikube config get cpus

Also, you can set default CPU and memory before starting the minikube:

minikube config set cpus 4
minikube config set memory 16384

❗ Do not forget, if you have already a minikube cluster you need to delete the minikube by executing minikube delete command and then executing minikube start command.

The default memory constant is 2048 (megabytes) as seen here.

This doesn't automatically change with the vm-driver.

Default Minikube cluster CPU is 2

Default Minikube cluster memory is 2048

minikube config get cpus
minikube config get memory

Note: cat ~/.minikube/config/config.json won't be displaying the details until you manually configure it