Metrics for measuring successful refactoring

Would running findbugs, CRAP or checkstyle before and after a refactoring be a useful way of checking if the code was actually improved rather than just changed?

Actually, as I have detailed in the question "What is the fascination with code metrics?", the trend of any metrics (findbugs, CRAP, whatever) is the true added value of metrics.
It (the evolution of metrics) allows you to prioritize the main fixing action you really need to make to your code (as opposed to blindly try to respect every metric out there)

A tool like Sonar can, in this domain (monitoring of metrics) can be very useful.

Sal adds in the comments:

The real issue is on checking what code changes add value rather than just adding change

For that, test coverage is very important, because only tests (unit tests, but also larger "functional tests") will give you a valid answer.
But refactoring should not be done without a clear objective anyway. To do it only because it would be "more elegant" or even "easier to maintain" may be not in itself a good reason enough to change the code.
There should be other measures like some bugs which will be fixed in the process, or some new functions which will be implemented much faster as a result of the "refactored" code.
In short, the added value of a refactoring is not solely measured with metrics, but should also be evaluated against objectives and/or milestones.

Number of failed unittests must be less or equal to zero :)

Depending on your specific goals, metrics like cyclomatic complexity can provide an indicator for success. In the end every metric can be subverted, since they cannot capture intelligence and/or common sense.

A healthy code review process might do wonders though.