Method with Multiple Return Types


I believe a lot of people are arriving at this question because they're looking for ways to return multiple values generally, not necessarily for the purposes given in the original question. If this is what you want, there are a few options to choose from.

If the combination of your returned types represents a concept that may be useful outside of your method call, consider creating a type to represent that concept. C#'s records provide a nice, concise way to do that:

public record ExtractedValue(bool? BooleanValue, string? StringValue, int? IntValue);

public ExtractedValue Method(string key)

If this is the only place these values will appear together, and it's not really worth coming up with a named type to represent the values, you can also use a Value Tuple. Just be aware that there are some behavioral implications that might bite you if you plan to use the type for things like serialization.

public (bool? BooleanValue, string? StringValue, int? IntValue) Method(string key)

Original Answer

The compiler has no way to distinguish between the three method calls you've provided, because they all look like Method(key);

One option is to return an object and then expect the consuming code to cast it to what they want:

public object Method(string key)
        var temp = dictionary[key];

        switch (temp.Type)
            case "bool":
                return Convert.ToBoolean(temp.Value);

            case "int"
                return Convert.ToInt(temp.Value);

            case "string"
                return temp.Value;

    return "NULL"; 


int x = (int) Method(key);
string word = (string) Method(key);
bool isTrue = (bool) Method(key);

You could also use the dynamic keyword to make the cast implicit:

public dynamic Method(string key)
        var temp = dictionary[key];

        switch (temp.Type)
            case "bool":
                return Convert.ToBoolean(temp.Value);

            case "int"
                return Convert.ToInt(temp.Value);

            case "string"
                return temp.Value;

    return "NULL"; 


int x = Method(key);
string word = Method(key);
bool isTrue = Method(key);

However, dynamic is a very powerful concept, and it's easy for it to get out of hand, so you have to be really careful with that.

It seems to me that you're expecting your calling code to know which type of object it's expecting to get for each key. It seems like maybe the best approach is to just let the user supply that information:

public T Method<T>(string key)
        return (T) Convert.ChangeType(dictionary[key].Value, typeof(T));
    return default(T);


int x = Method<int>(key);
string word = Method<string>(key);
bool isTrue = Method<bool>(key);

That way, there's no need to track the Type value in your dictionary objects in the first place.

In C# 7 you have the option to return multiple values from a method like this:

public (string SomeString, int SomeInt) DoSomething() { ... }

You can get the values like this:

var result = DoSomething();


(var someString, var someInt) = DoSomething();

This works below the surface with a Tuple and you are not restricted to only 2 values. I don't know how many you can return but I suggest when you need to return that many values, create a class. More info: