Method in base class that returns derived class type?

Yes, C++ supports this. It's called covariant return types. You just have to declare the function virtual and declare the return types accordingly. That's all there is to it.

struct base {
    virtual base *foo() {
        // ...

struct derived : public base {
    virtual derived *foo() {
        // ...

derived d;
base *base_ptr =;

Now a comment of yours extends the original question:

But actually my goal is to not repeat the function body since it's the same except the used type.

This is not possible.

There are various techniques which can facilitate the repeating, but you won't get around the fact that whatever you do, you still have to create the function bodies yourself.

One such technique would be using macros, at the cost of obfuscation and all other disadvantages that come with macros; but still, the macro won't appear in the classes automatically. You have to put it there.

// beware of macros!
#define FOO(T) virtual T *foo() { return new T; }

struct base {
    virtual ~base() {} // let's not forget the virtual destructor

struct derived : public base {

A similar approach is to facilitate the repeating of the function bodies with a template:

template <class T>
T *ComplicatedFunctionReturningT()
    T *t;
    // ...
    // ...
    // ...
    return t;

struct base {
    virtual base *foo() {
        return ComplicatedFunctionReturningT<base>();
    virtual ~base() {} // let's not forget the virtual destructor

struct derived : public base {
    virtual derived *foo() {
        return ComplicatedFunctionReturningT<derived>();

Templates are safer then macros.

Another approach is to use the Template Method design pattern. If a lot of code is repeated in the function body of every class, try to move as much as possible in the base class and put the small abstract part into a private function to be overridden:

class base {
    base *foo() { // no longer virtual
        // ...
        // ...
        base *ptr = fooImpl();
        // ...
        // ...
        return ptr;

    virtual ~base() {} // let's not forget the virtual destructor

    virtual base *fooImpl() = 0; // pure virtual and private

class derived1 : public base {
    virtual derived1 *fooImpl() {
        return new derived1; // very simple body

class derived2 : public base {
    virtual derived2 *fooImpl() {
        return new derived2; // very simple body

Of course, all of this is really only worth it if the function bodies are really complicated. For extreme cases, an entirely different approach is to generate the C++ code using some external tool or script.

And finally, if this is really a problem, reconsider your design as a whole. Perhaps it turns out you don't really need the function, or you don't need OOP for the actual problem your program attempts to solve.

Based on your comment to Christians answer, you could implement a template helper method to not duplicate code you would be using:

class base 
    template<class T> T* fooInternal()
        T* t = new T();

        // do stuff with t

        return t;
    virtual base* foo() { return fooInternal<base>(); }

class derived : public base 
    virtual derived* foo() { return fooInternal<derived>(); }

One option is to use CRTP (Curiously recurring template pattern).

template<typename Derived>
struct base {
    Derived* foo() {
        // ...
        return static_cast<Derived*>(this);

struct derived : base<derived> {
    // ...

derived d;
derived *derived_ptr =;

The primary benefits are that you don't need macros nor virtual methods to get the type you care about.

If you are doing this with multiple methods in the base class, it can be nice to define a helper method.

template<typename Derived>
struct base {
    Derived* foo() {
        // ...
        return self();

    Derived* self() {
        return static_cast<Derived*>(this);

I've used this pattern, for instance, for property objects where I have a base set of shared properties and several derived property objects with their own properties. I then have the base class methods return a reference to the derived class so that I can chain setting multiple properties on the same statement.
