Meteor bundle fails because fibers.node is missing

I had the same issue with Meteor and Node 0.12.0. I had to downgrade to Node 0.10.31. This fixed the issue.

Remember all instructions are in the readme file in the bundle folder.

Node fibers have to be re-installed after unpacking the bundle. To fix this problem go to the server directory.

$ cd bundle/programs/server

Then un-install fibers

$ npm uninstall fibers

Then install fibers

$ npm install fibers

Then start your application

$ cd ../../
$ PORT=3000 MONGO_URL=mongodb://localhost:27017/myapp node bundle/main.js

You will have to repeat that every time you update the app. This is just the way Meteor uses Node at the moment. Potential long-term fix can be found here:

NOTE: On Meteor 0.6.5 and Node 0.10.* this may work slightly differently. You may have to remove fibers manually from bundle/server as well as bundle/programs/server. You can do that with $ rm -R node_modules/fibers. Then you'll have to reinstall fibers from both locations with $ npm install fibers.

