merge static libraries into single

lipo command

Create or operate on a universal file: convert a universal binary to a single architecture file, or vice versa.

lipo from the liposuction. As you know when you build a project Xcode generate binary for different CPU architectures.

  • Unite. When a developer wants to share a producer binary as a closed-sorce he should take into account that a client should have a possibility to run/debug a project with this binary on a real device and a simulator. This simple example shows that the developer has to have a tool to merge binary for different arch into a single file - fat binary.

  • Separate. Another example is when you publish an app to AppStore you can remove unnecessary arch using -remove option.

  • If you try to build a project with a binary without necessary arch you get an error[Could not find module for architecture]


  • Simulator - x86_64, i386
  • Device - armv7, armv7s, arm64

If you try run this command for binaries with the same arch you will get

fatal error: <binary_list> have the same architectures (<arch>) and can't be in the same fat output file

Please note that -create option do not have parameters

lipo libMy_armv6.a libMy_armv7.a libMy_i368.a -create -output libMy.a

To check existing architectures

lipo -info <binary_path>
file <binary_path>

Next step is [XCFramework]


Open terminal and go to folder with your libs. Then use command:

lipo libSignatureLibary_armv6.a libSignatureLibary_armv7.a libSignatureLibary_i368.a -create -output libSignatureLibary.a