Merge list of maps into a single map by summing values

You can collect the entries of your Stream with a toMap collector, with a merge function.

public static Map<String, Values> mergeMaps(List<Map<String, Values>> maps) {
               .flatMap(m -> m.entrySet().stream())
                                         (v1,v2) -> new Values(v1,v2)));

Assuming you have a Values constructor that takes two Values instances and creates an instance having the sums of the values.

Of course, you can write the merge function without that constructor. For example:

(v1,v2) -> new Values(v1.getCount()+v2.getCount(),v1.getValue()+v2.getValue())

One more solution with groupingBy:

Map<String, Optional<Values>> collect =
            .flatMap(map -> map.entrySet().stream())
            .collect(groupingBy(Map.Entry::getKey, mapping(Map.Entry::getValue,
                    reducing((v1, v2) -> new Values(v1.count + v2.count, v1.values + v2.values)))));

Note: values of this map are Optional<Values>. If you have null value on one of your source map like map2.put("ddd", null); it allows to avoid NullPointerException and return Optional.empty