Merge double subscripts in macro with second subscript passed as argument

Here, I search the first argument for _. If not found, I use #1_{#2}. If found (breaking down #1 as #3_#4), it uses #3_{#4,#2}.

Thanks to Mico for pointing out that comma was being set in \scriptscriptstyle. EDITED to fix.



$Q_{c,1}$ for comparison


enter image description here


Based on comments of the OP, it appears that he desires interaction with \mathbf under certain scenarios (when #2 is empty). and with \bar on demand. While I am not sure if this could address all the needs, such things can be done directly in the \des macro, rather than interacting with a 2nd macro.

EDITED to also handle the bolding of greek letters (amsbsy added, with use of \boldsymbol)

For example,



enter image description here

For the sake of variety, here's a LuaLaTeX-based solution. It sets up a LaTeX macro called \des, which takes two arguments and calls a Lua function called desfn which, in turn, does most of the work with the help of two Lua string functions (string.find and string.sub).

enter image description here

\usepackage{luacode} % for "luacode" environment and "\luastring" macro
function desfn ( u , v )
   w = u:find ( "_" )
   if w then -- found an underscore (_) char.
      tex.sprint ( u:sub(1,w-1) .. "_{" .. u:sub(w+1) .. "," .. v .. "}" )
      tex.sprint ( u .. "_{" .. v .. "}" )

%% LaTeX side code:

$\des{Q}{1}$ \quad $\des{Q_c}{1}$ \quad $\des{ABC_uvw}{123}$

Another solution based on LuaTeX, here by directly manipulating the math noads instead of using strings. This for example allows nesting calls to \des or contruction a version \appendsub which does not need the first argument:

local oldsub
function storesub()
  local tail = tex.nest[tex.nest.ptr].tail
  oldsub = tail and tail.sub
  if oldsub then
    tail.sub = nil
function recoversub(sep)
  if oldsub then
    local noad ='noad'
    noad.nucleus = oldsub
    oldsub = nil


$\des{Q}{1}$ \quad $\des{Q_a}{1}$ \quad $\des{Q_{ab}}{123}$ \quad $\des{\des{Q}{abc}}{123}$

enter image description here

