MEF and exporting based on Metadata

In your example, you're using GetExports<T>, instead of GetExports<T,TMetadata>. In a simple example, you can use GetExports<IController, IDictionary<string, object>>, which would allow you to query, but a nicer way of doing it is to create a custom metadata contract:

public interface INameMetadata
    string Name { get; }

Which you can then use as:

[ExportMetadata("Name", "Home")]
public class HomeController : Controller { }

And then change your import to:

var controller = _container.GetExports<IController, INameMetadata>()
                           .Where(e => e.Metadata.Name.Equals(controllerName))
                           .Select(e => e.Value)

Going one step further, you could combine your Export and ExportMetadata attributes into a single attribute:

[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, AllowMultiple = false), MetadataAttribute]
public class ExportControllerAttribute : ExportAttribute, INameMetadata
    public ExportControllerAttribute(string name)
        : base(typeof(IController))
        Name = name;

    public string Name { get; private set; }

Now, you can use that with your export:

[ExportController("Home"), PartCreationPolicy(CreationPolicy.NonShared)]
public class HomeController : Controller { }