Maximum run in binary digit expansions

That is the same as asking about max number of runs (of consecutive 1's) in a binary string of length $n=k-1$.

In this related post it is explained that the
Number of binary strings, with $s$ "$1$"'s and $m$ "$0$"'s in total, that have up to $r$ consecutive $1$s
is given by $$ N_b (s,r,m + 1)\quad \left| {\;0 \leqslant \text{integers }s,m,r} \right.\quad = \sum\limits_{\left( {0\, \leqslant } \right)\,\,k\,\,\left( { \leqslant \,\frac{s}{r+1}\, \leqslant \,m + 1} \right)} { \left( { - 1} \right)^k \binom{m+1}{k} \binom {s + m - k\left( {r + 1} \right) }{s - k\left( {r + 1} \right) } } $$

So, the cumulative number we are looking for is: $$ \bbox[lightyellow] { \eqalign{ & C(n,r) = \sum\limits_{\left( {0\, \le } \right)\,\,m\,\,\left( { \le \,n} \right)} { N_b (n - m,r,m + 1)} = \cr & = \sum\limits_{\left( {0\, \le } \right)\,\,m\,\,\left( { \le \,n} \right)} { \sum\limits_{\left( {0\, \le } \right)\,\,k\,\,\left( { \le \,{s \over {r + 1}}\, \le \,m + 1} \right)} {\left( { - 1} \right)^k \binom{m+1}{k} \binom{ n - k\left( {r + 1} \right)} {n - m - k\left( {r + 1} \right) } } } \cr} } \tag{1}$$

Of course it is $C(n,n)=2^n$. It is also OEIS seq. A126198.


By splitting the first binomial in $m+1$ and applying $$ \eqalign{ & {{z^{\,m} } \over {m!}}\left( {{d \over {dz}}} \right)^{\,m} \left( {1 + z} \right)^{\,n} = \sum\limits_{k\, \ge \,0} {\left( \matrix{ n \cr k \cr} \right)\left( \matrix{ k \cr m \cr} \right)\,\;z^{\,k} } = \cr & = {{n^{\underline {\,m\,} } z^{\,m} } \over {m!}}\left( {1 + z} \right)^{\,n - m} = \left( \matrix{ n \cr m \cr} \right)z^{\,m} \left( {1 + z} \right)^{\,n - m} \cr} $$ we can express $C(n,r)$ also as $$ \bbox[lightyellow] { \eqalign{ & C(n,r) = \sum\limits_{0\, \le \,m\, \le \,n} {N_m (n,r,m)} \quad \left| {\;0 \le {\rm integers }m,n,r} \right.\quad = \cr & = \sum\limits_{\left( {0\, \le } \right)\,\,k\,\,\left( { \le \,{n \over {r + 2}} \le \,{n \over {r + 1}}} \right)} {\left( { - 1} \right)^k \left( \matrix{ n - k\left( {r + 1} \right) \cr n - k\left( {r + 2} \right) \cr} \right)2^{\,n - k\left( {r + 2} \right)} } + 2\sum\limits_{\left( {0\, \le } \right)\,\,k\,\,\left( {{{n + 1} \over {r + 2}} \le \,{n \over {r + 1}}} \right)} {\left( { - 1} \right)^k \left( \matrix{ n - k\left( {r + 1} \right) \cr n + 1 - k\left( {r + 2} \right) \cr} \right)2^{\,n - k\left( {r + 2} \right)} } = \cr & = \sum\limits_{\left( {0\, \le } \right)\,\,k\,\,\left( { \le \,{{n + 1} \over {r + 2}} \le \,{n \over {r + 1}}} \right)} {\left( { - 1} \right)^k \left( {\left( \matrix{ n + 1 - k\left( {r + 1} \right) \cr n + 1 - k\left( {r + 2} \right) \cr} \right) + \left( \matrix{ n - k\left( {r + 1} \right) \cr n + 1 - k\left( {r + 2} \right) \cr} \right)} \right)2^{\,n - k\left( {r + 2} \right)} } \cr} } \tag{2}$$

Using the o.g.f. for $Nb$ provided in the post above, it is possible to provide quite a neat o.g.f. for $C(n,r)$ as $$ \bbox[lightyellow] { \eqalign{ & F(z,r) = \sum\limits_{0\, \le \,n} {C(n,r)z^{\,n} } = \cr & = \sum\limits_{0\, \le \,n} {\sum\limits_{\left( {0\, \le } \right)\,\,m\,\,\left( { \le \,n} \right)} {z^{\,m} N_b (n - m,r,m + 1)z^{\,n - m} } } = \cr & = \sum\limits_{0\, \le \,\,m} {z^{\,m} \left( {{{1 - z^{\,r + 1} } \over {1 - z}}} \right)^{m + 1} } = \left( {{{1 - z^{\,r + 1} } \over {1 - z}}} \right){1 \over {1 - z{{1 - z^{\,r + 1} } \over {1 - z}}}} = \cr & = {{1 - z^{\,r + 1} } \over {1 - 2z + z^{\,r + 2} }} \cr} } \tag{3}$$

From the above it comes that $C(n,r)$ is just a shifted version of the Higher -order Fibonacci Numbers, i.e. $$ C(n,r) = F_{\,n + r + 1}^{\,\left( {r + 1} \right)} $$ with the definition given therein.

In this interesting paper "A Simplified Binet Formula for k-Generalized Fibonacci Numbers" - G.P.B. Dresden, Z. Du we learn that also the $(r+1)$-nacci numbers can be expressed by formulas similar to that of Binet, which leads to $$ \bbox[lightyellow] { \eqalign{ & C(n,r) = \sum\limits_{k = 0}^r {{{\alpha _{\,k} - 1} \over {2 + \left( {r + 2} \right)\left( {\alpha _{\,k} - 2} \right)}}\alpha _{\,k} ^{\,n + 1} } \quad \left| \matrix{ \;1 \le r \hfill \cr \;0 \le n \hfill \cr} \right. \cr & \alpha _{\,0} , \cdots ,\alpha _{\,r} \;{\rm roots}\,{\rm of}\,x^{\,r + 1} - \left( {1 + x + \cdots + x^{\,r} } \right) \cr} } \tag{4}$$

In that paper it is also shown that the polynomial $x^{\,r + 1} - \left( {1 + x + \cdots + x^{\,r} } \right)$ has only one root (call it $\alpha$) outside of the unit circle, and which is real and $$ 2 - {1 \over {r + 1}} < \alpha < 2 $$ Therefore, asymptotically for large $n$ , we get $$ \bbox[lightyellow] { C(n,r) \approx {{\alpha - 1} \over {2 + \left( {r + 2} \right)\left( {\alpha - 2} \right)}}\alpha ^{\,n + 1} \quad \left| \matrix{ \;1 \le r \hfill \cr \;n \to \infty \hfill \cr} \right. } \tag{5}$$

Let's analyze a simpler case first, $f_n(k)$: the number of binary strings of length $k$ that do not contain $1^n$.

Obviously $f_1(k) = 1$ for all $k$, as only the all-zero or empty string does not contain $1$.

But $f_2(k)$ is more interesting. We have $f_2(0) = 1$ and $f_2(1) = 2$ by simple counting. But then we can make a simple argument:

$f_2(k) = f_2(k-1) + f_2(k-2)$ because the number of binary strings of length $k$ that avoid $11$ is equal to the amount that avoid $11$ of length $k-1$ with string $0$ prepended plus the amount of length $k-2$ with string $10$ prepended.

You can generalize this argument for a recurrence for $f_n(k)$:

$f_n(k) = f_n(k-1) + f_n(k-2) + \cdots + f_n(k-n)$ because the number of binary strings of length $k$ that avoid string $1^n$ is equal to the amount that avoid $1^n$ of length $k-1$ with string $0$ prepended plus the amount of length $k-2$ with binary digits $10$ prepended to the integer, and so forth, continuing until the amount of strings of length $k - n$ with binary string $1^{n-1}0$ prepended.

To get the starting numbers before the recurrence, we have:

$$\forall k< n:f_n(k) = 2^{k}$$

Now that we have analyzed $f$ we can go back to your problem. First let $g_n(k)$ be the number of binary strings that a maximum sequence of ones exactly equal to $n$. Verify for yourself that:

$$g_n(k) = f_{n+1}(k) - f_n(k)$$

Finally, there is a one-to-one correspondence between the binary strings of length $k$ and and the integers in $[1, 2^k)$ for our problem of counting the maximal sequence of ones.

Unfortunately I don't know where you got the numbers in your post from, as they are not correct. The above formula for $g_2$ yields A000100 which is correct.