Maven (Surefire): copy test resources from src/test/java

The resource copying is all done by the maven-resource-plugin, and if you read the doc thereof you will see how to add copying of resources from src/test/java.

See for the test-resources goal, which is included in the default lifecycle.

And then see, and look for <testResources>.

The only way it worked for me when I put my test configuration into src/test/resources folder (analogue of src/test/java for source files). Files from this folder is copied to the target/test-classes folder which is on the classpath during the tests execution. I don't know why, but the next config didn't work for me:


bmargulies gave the answer, but let me fill in some details.

<testresources> can be added to the <build> node of the project's POM, like this:


That copies everything in src/test/java -- including the .java source code, which we don't want.

It also (as bmargulies only hinted at) overrides and replaces the default <testResources> setting in the standard parent POM that all other POM inherit from (unless that inheritance is changed). The standard parent copies src/test/resources, so by overriding that, we don't get that copied as usual, which we don't want. (In particular, my whole reason for doing this is to use unitils, which wants the file copied -- and that's (for me, anyway) in src/test/resources.

So we re-add src/test/resources:


That copies in the order listed, so that for files that exist in both /src/test/java (and subdirectories) and in /src/test/resources (and subdirectories), the src/test/resources version is the one that ends up in test-classes.

Now we just need to not copy the .java files:
