Maven Multi-module dependency package not found

In the rest-client-microservice Spring Boot project add this configuration to the spring-boot-maven-plugin.


so it will look like that.



To tell Maven to not build an executable jar for the Library project, you must remove the following block from the pom.xml created by the Spring Initializr:


I figured it out. The rest-client-microservice is a Spring Boot project and uses the following plugin:


The jar is repackaged and all the packages and classes are put in the BOOT-INF folder. That's the reason why Maven is unable to find them. You can fix this by defining the plugin like this:


With this configuration, the Spring Boot Maven Plugin will create 2 JARs: the main one will be the same as a usual Maven project, while the second one will have the classifier appended and be the executable JAR.

I am using Spring Boot 2.2.7, for this version and later, removing the following from the parent pom.xml:


solved the problem