Maven jetty plugin - automatic reload using a multi-module project

To force the reload anytime a submodule is changed you can use the following options

1 - Static module names and scan targets

You can define as scan targets the target directory for each module


2 - Dinamic module names and scan targets (recommended) This uses RegEx to find the compilation target for other modules, on the following example, we are reloading the application everytime a class is compiled on any module


Using trial and error, I found a solution. The problem is that jetty is executed using from the parent pom using

mvn -pl webapp jetty:run

The command is called from the directory of the main pom, thus jetty cannot resolve the relative paths inside the extraClasspath correctly. When executing the jetty:run goal inside the webapp directory, all modified classes are loaded correctly.

I assume the scanTargets are working correctly even when using mvn -pl webapp jetty:run, because the relative paths get resolved during the execution of the plugin (with the correct working directory). Jetty outputs the scan targets on startup:

[INFO] Added extra scan target:C:\PathToProject\business\target\classes
[INFO] Added extra scan target:C:\PathToProject\persistence\target\classes

However, the <extraClasspath>property is part of the <webApp> property, which is an instance of the org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext class. I assume that this instance is passed to jetty directly and that the extraClasspath property is accessed by jetty when it is already started.

The following configuration works for me

    <!-- To launch embded jetty server -->

