Maven does not create the "/target/m2e-wtp/web-resources" folder

Got the same issue. I solved it removing the "/target/m2e-wtp/web-resources" under Deployment Assembly. Then Maven -> Update Project.

I was struggling with the same issue for a couple of days. Ultimately the following steps worked for me.

  • Install m2e-wtp from eclipse marketplace (if it's not already installed)
  • Open Project Preferences -> Project Facets -> Runtimes -> Select the runtime of your choice (Tomcat 7 in my case)

Eclipse (Luna) will only generate the Maven Archiver files under the build path (in /target/m2e-wtp/web-resources) if it considers the project to be a "WAR Project".

From experience, this seems to be any project with the Dynamic Web Module facet. If the project is already a Faceted Form project, add the facet and build your project. If not, choose the [Configure -> Convert to Faceted Form...] menu option and go from there.

For projects imported as "Existing Maven Projects", Eclipse will usually set this for you. But if you've just checked the project out of version control or created / imported the project as a "standard" Java project, it may not have done.

Just had this happen on Mars.

Fixed it by disabling the Dynamic Web Module facet and then re-enabling it.