Matplotlib returning a plot object

I think the error is pretty self-explanatory. There is no such thing as pyplot.plt, or similar. plt is the quasi-standard abbreviated form of pyplot when being imported, i.e., import matplotlib.pyplot as plt.

Concerning the problem, the first approach, return axarr is the most versatile one. You get an axis, or an array of axes, and can plot to it.

The code may look like:

def plot_signal(x,y, ..., **kwargs):
    # Skipping a lot of other complexity here
    f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=fig_size)
    ax.plot(x,y, ...)
    # further stuff
    return ax

ax = plot_signal(x,y, ...)
ax.plot(x2, y2, ...)

This is actually a great question that took me YEARS to figure out. A great way to do this is to pass a figure object to your code and have your function add an axis then return the updated figure. Here is an example:

fig_size = (10, 5)
f = plt.figure(figsize=fig_size)

def plot_signal(time, signal, title='', xlab='', ylab='',
                line_width=1, alpha=1, color='k',
                subplots=False, show_grid=True, fig=f):

    # Skipping a lot of other complexity here

    axarr = f.add_subplot(1,1,1) # here is where you add the subplot to f
    plt.plot(time, signal, linewidth=line_width,
               alpha=alpha, color=color)
    plt.set_xlim(min(time), max(time))
    plt.title(title, size=16)
f = plot_signal(time, signal, fig=f)

From the matplotlib docs, the recommended signature to use is:

def my_plotter(ax, data1, data2, param_dict):
    A helper function to make a graph

    ax : Axes
        The axes to draw to

    data1 : array
       The x data

    data2 : array
       The y data

    param_dict : dict
       Dictionary of keyword arguments to pass to ax.plot

    out : list
        list of artists added
    out = ax.plot(data1, data2, **param_dict)
    return out

This can be used as:

data1, data2, data3, data4 = np.random.randn(4, 100)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
my_plotter(ax, data1, data2, {'marker': 'x'})

You should pass the axes rather than the figure. A Figure contains one or more Axes. Axes is an area where points can be specified in x-y format, 3d plot etc. Figure is something in which we graph the data - it can be jupyter notebook or the windows GUI etc.