Mathematica function equivalent to MATLAB's residue function (partial fraction expansion)

This is cheating, but:

num = FromDigits[{2, 1, 0, 0}, x]
den = FromDigits[{1., 0, 1, 1}, x]

(* Out[7]= x^2 (1 + 2 x)

Out[8]= 1 + x + 1. x^3 *)

In[10]:= IncompletePFD[num, den]

(* Out[10]= (2. + 0. I) + (
 0.535417905939 + 1.03899170871 I)/((-0.341163901914 - 1.1615414 I) + 
  x) + (0.535417905939 - 
  1.03899170871 I)/((-0.341163901914 + 1.1615414 I) + x) - (
 0.0708358118772 + 0. I)/(0.682327803828 + x) *)

IncompletePFD is in the Wolfram Function Repository and is available as ResourceFunction["IncompletePFD"]. It does (or at least tries to do) what the name implies, the so-called "incomplete" partial fraction decomposition.

You get the poles with

p = x /. Solve[apoly == 0, x]

and the residues with

r = RootReduce[Residue[f, {x, #}]] & /@ p

I don't know how to get k directly though, except to do a difference (very inefficient):

k = f - Total[r/(x - p)] // Together // FullSimplify

All together in one function:

residue[num_, denom_] := Module[{apoly, bpoly, f, p, r, k},
  bpoly = FromDigits[num, x];
  apoly = FromDigits[denom, x];
  f = bpoly/apoly;
  p = x /. Solve[apoly == 0, x];
  r = RootReduce[Residue[f, {x, #}]] & /@ p;
  k = f - Total[r/(x - p)] // Together // FullSimplify;
  {r, p, CoefficientList[k, x]}]

Let's go through Nasser's examples:

residue[{2, 1, 0, 0}, {1, 0, 1, 1}]
(*    {{-0.0708358, 0.535418 - 1.03899 I, 0.535418 + 1.03899 I},
       {-0.682328, 0.341164 - 1.16154 I, 0.341164 + 1.16154 I},
       {2}}                                                         *)

residue[{-4, 8}, {1, 6, 8}]
(*    {{-12, 8},
       {-4, -2}, 
       {}}          *)

residue[{2, 0, 0, 1, 0}, {1, 0, 1}]
(*    {{1/2 + I, 1/2 - I},
       {-I, I},
       {-2, 0, 2}}            *)

I just saw the other answer uses some build in function to find the residues which I did not know about and which might be more efficient that what I did below. So this is something that can be improved in the function below if needed.

residue[numer0_, denom0_] := 
 Module[{x, result, k, roots, numer, denom, factors, n, p1, p2, p3},
  numer = FromDigits[numer0, x];
  denom = FromDigits[denom0, x];
  If[Length[numer0] >= Length[denom0],
     k = PolynomialQuotient[numer, denom, x];
     k = CoefficientList[k, x],
     k = {}
  roots = x /. NSolve[denom == 0, x];
  factors = Flatten@Last@Reap@Do[
     If[n == 1,
          p1 = roots[[2 ;; -1]],
          p1 = roots[[Join[Range[1, n - 1], Range[n + 1, Length[roots]]]]]
     p2 = (Times @@ ((x - #) & /@ p1)) /. x -> roots[[n]];
     p3 = numer /. x -> roots[[n]];
     {n, 1, Length[roots]}
  {Reverse@Chop@factors, Reverse@Chop@roots, k}

Example 1

numer = {2, 1, 0, 0};
denom = {1, 0, 1, 1};
{r, p, k} = residue[numer, denom];

Mathematica graphics


>> numerator = [2 1 0 0];
>> denominator = [1 0 1 1];
>> [r,p,k] = residue(numerator,denominator)

r =    
   0.5354 + 1.0390i
   0.5354 - 1.0390i
  -0.0708 + 0.0000i        
p =    
   0.3412 + 1.1615i
   0.3412 - 1.1615i
  -0.6823 + 0.0000i

k =    

Example 2

numer = {-4, 8};
denom = {1, 6, 8};
{r, p, k} = residue[numer, denom];

Mathematica graphics


>> numerator = [-4 8];
denomenator = [1 6 8];
[r,p,k] = residue(numerator ,denomenator)

r =    
p =    
k =    

example 3

numer = {2, 0, 0, 1, 0};
denom = {1, 0, 1};
{r, p, k} = residue[numer, denom];

Mathematica graphics


>> b = [2 0 0 1 0];
a = [1 0 1];
[r,p,k] = residue(b,a)

r =    
   0.5000 - 1.0000i
   0.5000 + 1.0000i

p =    
   0.0000 + 1.0000i
   0.0000 - 1.0000i    

k =    
     2     0    -2