Math optimization in C#


public static float Sigmoid(double value) {
    return 1.0f / (1.0f + (float) Math.Exp(-value));

EDIT: I did a quick benchmark. On my machine, the above code is about 43% faster than your method, and this mathematically-equivalent code is the teeniest bit faster (46% faster than the original):

public static float Sigmoid(double value) {
    float k = Math.Exp(value);
    return k / (1.0f + k);

EDIT 2: I'm not sure how much overhead C# functions have, but if you #include <math.h> in your source code, you should be able to use this, which uses a float-exp function. It might be a little faster.

public static float Sigmoid(double value) {
    float k = expf((float) value);
    return k / (1.0f + k);

Also if you're doing millions of calls, the function-calling overhead might be a problem. Try making an inline function and see if that's any help.

If it's for an activation function, does it matter terribly much if the calculation of e^x is completely accurate?

For example, if you use the approximation (1+x/256)^256, on my Pentium testing in Java (I'm assuming C# essentially compiles to the same processor instructions) this is about 7-8 times faster than e^x (Math.exp()), and is accurate to 2 decimal places up to about x of +/-1.5, and within the correct order of magnitude across the range you stated. (Obviously, to raise to the 256, you actually square the number 8 times -- don't use Math.Pow for this!) In Java:

double eapprox = (1d + x / 256d);
eapprox *= eapprox;
eapprox *= eapprox;
eapprox *= eapprox;
eapprox *= eapprox;
eapprox *= eapprox;
eapprox *= eapprox;
eapprox *= eapprox;
eapprox *= eapprox;

Keep doubling or halving 256 (and adding/removing a multiplication) depending on how accurate you want the approximation to be. Even with n=4, it still gives about 1.5 decimal places of accuracy for values of x beween -0.5 and 0.5 (and appears a good 15 times faster than Math.exp()).

P.S. I forgot to mention -- you should obviously not really divide by 256: multiply by a constant 1/256. Java's JIT compiler makes this optimisation automatically (at least, Hotspot does), and I was assuming that C# must do too.

Have a look at this post. it has an approximation for e^x written in Java, this should be the C# code for it (untested):

public static double Exp(double val) {  
    long tmp = (long) (1512775 * val + 1072632447);  
    return BitConverter.Int64BitsToDouble(tmp << 32);  

In my benchmarks this is more than 5 times faster than Math.exp() (in Java). The approximation is based on the paper "A Fast, Compact Approximation of the Exponential Function" which was developed exactly to be used in neural nets. It is basically the same as a lookup table of 2048 entries and linear approximation between the entries, but all this with IEEE floating point tricks.

EDIT: According to Special Sauce this is ~3.25x faster than the CLR implementation. Thanks!