Marketing Cloud Connect - Scope by user - Journey Builder

Scope by User does affect Journey Builder in that way, that Salesforce Entry Events can only be created by users who are integrated. If Scope by User is configured, and a user that is not integrated, creates a Salesforce Entry Event, an error message will appear "There was a problem retrieving the Integration Status".

If integrated, scope by user does not affect the available data. The reason is, that with a salesforce entry event, a process and flow are created by Sales Cloud API User in Sales Cloud and though, the scope by user permissions do not affect who is injected into a journey. The only option to filter, is to use a a filter in the entry event or a decision split in the journey. It might be possible to adapt the created flow and process but I doubt that and didn't try this.

Related to that, in the Marketing Cloud June 2019 release, an option was introduced to restrict access to Salesforce events and activities in journey builder