Markdown in JS without enclosing <p>?

The marked library allows you to define your own renderer, which allows you to define the output for paragraphs.

You can pass in your own renderer by using:

  renderer: new MyRenderer(),

var output = marked('This **text** will be rendered with MyRenderer');

This will require you to define methods for blockquote, html, paragraph and all the other methods that the default marked.Renderer defines.

Here is an example:

function MyRenderer(options) {
  this.options = options || {};

MyRenderer.prototype.paragraph = function(text) {
  return 'This comes from my own renderer: ' + text + '\n';

However, this requires some efforts, so the quickest way to get rid of the paragraphs (<p> tags) is to change the code of the existing Renderer in the marked.js file:


Renderer.prototype.paragraph = function(text) {
  return '<p>' + text + '</p>\n';


Renderer.prototype.paragraph = function(text) {
  return text + '\n';

markdown-it has md.renderInline() method which allows to do that.