Manually editing raster to improve classification using ArcGIS Desktop?

I don't think there's a really simple way to do this, but one way would be to:

  1. Create a new polygon layer and create polygons over the areas you want to change the values of.
  2. Code the polygons with the desired land cover value.
  3. Convert the shapefile to a raster.
  4. Use the Raster Calculator to substitute the new values.


The editing can be done with the ARIS Grid & Raster Editor for ArcMap:

The ARIS Grid & Raster Editor adds a toolbar to ArcMap. This toolbar provides a set of tools to change the value of one or more cells. With these tools it is possible to:

  • change the value of a single cell or pixel (pencil)
  • draw a free line (pencil/freehand)
  • draw straight lines from one point to another (line)
  • draw a solid polygon (polygon)
  • set pen size in cells to be affected while drawing
  • change the value/color of a zone of cells with identical values (paintcan)
  • replace one value with another value in the entire raster (value replacer)
  • create a selection area in the map to limit the working area for the above operations (edit area)
  • select new cell value from the grid (color picker)

Grid & Raster Editor for ArcMap example: pixel edit of single cells with pencil/freehand

Supported raster formats

Most single and multi-band raster formats editable by the ArcGIS Object Model are supported by the ARIS Grid & Raster Editor. The supported raster formats include:

  • Band interleaved by line (BIL)
  • Band interleaved by pixel (BIP)
  • Band sequential (BSQ)
  • Bitmap (BMP)
  • ENVI Raster (e.g. DAT, BIL, BIP, BSQ)
  • File Geodatabase Raster (GDB, FGDBR)
  • Personal Geodatabase Raster (MDB, PGDB Image)
  • Tagged Image File Format (GeoTIFF, TIFF)

For multi-band rasters the Red, Green and Blue bands (RGB) can be edited simultaneously.

Available as 5-day free trial on

I've used arcscan and the paint tool to edit individual pixels but this was on a grid which had only 2 values for pixels.