Managing Kafka Topic with spring

In spring it is possible to create topics during the start of the application using beans:

public KafkaAdmin admin() {
    Map<String, Object> configs = new HashMap<>();
    return new KafkaAdmin(configs);

public NewTopic topic1() {
    return new NewTopic("foo", 10, (short) 2);

Alternatively you can write your own create topics by autowiring the AdminClient, so for instance reading the list from an input file or specify advanced properties such as partition numbers:

private KafkaAdmin admin;
//...your implementation

Also note that since Kafka 1.1.0 auto.create.topics.enable is enabled by default (see Broker configs).

For more information refer to the spring-kafka docs

To automatically create a Kafka topic in Spring Boot, only this is required:

public NewTopic topic1() {
    return new NewTopic("foo", 10, (short) 2);

    //foo: topic name
    //10: number of partitions
    //2: replication factor

The Kafka Admin is being automatically created and configured by Spring Boot.

Version 2.3 of Spring Kafka introduced a TopicBuilder class, to make building topics fluent and more intuitive:

public NewTopic topic(){