Man pages offline for e-reader?

This bash command will dump HTML files for every man page on the system. You'll need to install the groff package first, then cd to an empty directory and run:

for f in `ls -1 /usr/share/man/man*`; do n=`echo $f | sed s/[.].*[.]gz//`; man -Thtml $n > $n.html ; done

This will cycle through all of the files in the /usr/share/man directory, strip off the section number and the extension using sed, then call man to render the manpage to HTML (man -Thtml in turn calls groff, which is why you need it installed first), storing the result in an html file with the same name as the page. It will take a while to complete, and groff throws some warnings about line breaks, but when it finishes, you will have all of your man pages in HTML format.

Most e-readers can handle HTML files, but if yours doesn't, you can use calibre to convert the HTML files to mobi or epub or any other format you choose.

