Making mirror:// highly available

Personally I think that the best way to select the best Ubuntu repositories mirrors is to use the GUI method:

download server

Now, to improve the situation described in the question, you need to set some rules somehow. These rules must to act on I can suggest some rules as follow:

  • make a list of best/preferred mirrors; there are a lot of mirrors as you can see here, here or here
  • if you found a good mirror, add it to the list
  • if a mirror was down or broken sometimes, it means that is not a good mirror and you should remove it from the list
  • you can use netselect, apt-spy or apt-fast
  • and others, depending on your requirements.

Next, to see how you can work around, I can give you a method described step by step with three bash scripts examples. First script use the mirrors from the country you are in at the moment instead of (for each country there is a text file with mirrors asociated; see

  • In a terminal run mkdir -p bin - this command will make a bin directory in your home folder if you don't already have it.
  • After run gedit ~/bin/ - this will create the new file in gedit.
  • Copy and paste one of the next scripts in the new created file:

export DISPLAY=:0

if ! [ "`ping -c 1`" ]; then
    notify-send "No internet connection"
    exit 0  

ip=$(curl -s '')
country=$(curl -s '' \
    | awk '{ print toupper($2) }')
release=$(lsb_release -sc)


line=$(head -n 1 $file)
new_line="## Ubuntu Repos for $ip"

if [ "$line" == "$new_line" ] ; then
    exit 0

cp -f $file $old_file

printf "$new_line
deb mirror://$country.txt $release main restricted universe multiverse
deb mirror://$country.txt $release-updates main restricted universe multiverse
deb mirror://$country.txt $release-backports main restricted universe multiverse
deb mirror://$country.txt $release-security main restricted universe multiverse
" > $file

notify-send "$file has been changed" "The old file has been put in $old_file"

exit 0

or, something similar to what can be found at


export DISPLAY=:0

if ! [ "`ping -c 1`" ]; then
    notify-send "No internet connection"
    exit 0  

ip=$(curl -s '')
country=$(curl -s '' \
    | awk '{ print tolower($2) }')
release=$(lsb_release -sc)


line=$(head -n 1 $file)
new_line="## Ubuntu Main Repos for $ip"

if [ "$line" == "$new_line" ] ; then
    exit 0

cp -f $file $old_file

printf "$new_line
deb http://$ $release main restricted universe  multiverse
deb-src http://$ $release main restricted universe multiverse

## Ubuntu Update Repos for $ip
deb http://$ $release-security main restricted universe multiverse
deb http://$ $release-updates main restricted universe multiverse
deb-src http://$ $release-security main restricted universe multiverse
deb-src http://$ $release-updates main restricted universe multiverse
" > $file

notify-send "$file has been changed" "The old file has been put in $old_file"

exit 0

or, a script using netselect (download from here, install instructions here) as izx explained verry nice in this answer:


export DISPLAY=:0

if ! [ "`ping -c 1`" ]; then
    notify-send "No internet connection"
    exit 0  

url=$(netselect \
    `wget -q -O- \
        | grep -P -B8 "statusUP|statusSIX" \
        | grep -o -P "(f|ht)tp.*\"" \
        | tr '"\n' '  '` \
    | awk '{print $2}')
release=$(lsb_release -sc)

if [ "$url" == "" ] ; then
    exit 0


cp -f $file $old_file

printf "## Ubuntu Best Repos
deb $release main
deb-src $release main
deb $url $release main universe restricted multiverse
deb $release-security restricted universe main multiverse
deb $url $release-updates restricted universe main multiverse
" > $file

notify-send "$file has been changed" "The old file has been put in $old_file"

exit 0
  • Save the file and close it.
  • Go back into terminal and run: chmod +x ~/bin/ - to grant execute access for the script.
  • Just for test, to run your new script, type in terminal ~/bin/ It will give you an error, because you don't have the right to edit /etc/apt/sources.list. So, use sudo ~/bin/
  • Edit the root user's crontab file using sudo crontab -e command and add the following line:
@hourly /home/$USER/bin/  
#change $USER with your user name
  • I have set the cron job for every hour, but you can change as you wish or as you think is better. See in this sense.
  • Save the file and check the new crontab entry with sudo crontab -l.

NOTE: To revert the changes made by this script, delete the cron job and follow the indications from the picture above or use next command in terminal:

cp -f /etc/apt/sources.list.bak /etc/apt/sources.list

From now, the file will be dynamically changed after it finds a change of the IP address.

It may not be the best solution, but, in my opinion, a good solution can be given in this way like in the scripts above.

I appreciate all the input on this question, but since no one came up with a simple solution which fit our circumstances, I decided to fix the problem myself.

I created a tool (specifically for Ubuntu) which I call apt-spy2.

The primary objective of this tool is to find a working mirror fast. Working is defined by that the mirror server is available and (hopefully :) up to date.

I make no assumptions about if the selected server is necessarily the closest and the fastest. I'm not doing any pings or GEO DNS tricks — but so far this works when something breaks.

How it works — in a nutshell:

  1. I use or launchpad's list of mirrors to retrieve servers.
  2. I do a simple check on each (for HTTP Response Status Code).
  3. LBNL, I update /etc/apt/sources.list.

Please note: This assumes that people play nice and put additional mirrors (e.g. 3rd party repositories into /etc/apt/sources.list.d. But I guess that means there's room for improvement.

You can obtain this tool like so:

$ [sudo] gem install apt-spy2

The cli comes with list, check, fix and help (with extended information on how to use it).

I tried to document as much as possible in the project's README.

The current version is a very conservative 0.5.0.

The code is open source and the license is liberal. And I take all contributions.

There was this command at Debian 6.0.4 :


This did the job to find the next closest available server automatic and to generate a new sources.list

In Ubuntu this command seems not to exist ?

It still exists in Debian 7.0 wheezy :

You can download your *.deb package here :

... still searching for the sources ...

You obviously need Debian-7.0-Installation for to get the source-code after editing sources-list with entry :

deb-src wheezy main

Then after sudo apt-get update you would simply suck the code with :

sudo apt-get source apt-spy


