makefile target specific variables as prerequisites

Target-specific variables are only available within the context of the recipes of the target and its recursive prerequisites. That is, target-specific variables cannot be used as targets nor prerequisites.

One workaround is the makefile there.

First of all, a non-phony recipe must create a target, $@, not $(OUTPUT_DIR)$@. Also consider converting directory dependencies into order-only prerequisites.

In order to get a proper value of $(OUTPUT_DIR) inside the list of prerequisites, you would have to use secondary expansion, because otherwise, during the primary expansion, the global definition OUTPUT_DIR:=Test/ is used instead of the target-specific one.

Unfortunately, I can't think of a sane way to make it work using target specific variables, without resorting to secondary expansion and vpath magic. Personally I would rather setup the environment first (find out the value of OUTPUT_DIR, etc.) and then re-execute Make with the proper values.


.PHONY: default all release debug

default all: release

release: export OUTPUT_DIR := Release/
debug:   export OUTPUT_DIR := Debug/
debug:   export EXTRA_CXXFLAGS := -DDEBUG -g

release debug:


# ...
CXXFLAGS := -Iinclude -Wall -Wextra $(EXTRA_CXXFLAGS)

PROGRAM := $(OUTPUT_DIR)corewars
OBJECTS := $(addprefix $(OUTPUT_DIR), \
    main.o Machine.o Core.o ProcessQueue.o Instruction.o)

# Default target.
    $(LD) -o $@ $<

$(OUTPUT_DIR)%.o: %.cpp | $(OUTPUT_DIR)
    $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $< -o $@

    mkdir -p $@

endif # OUTPUT_DIR

The two parts could them be split into separate makefiles, the root (starter) one, and the one that does the real work, to make the whole thing more manageable.