Make the largest infinity that you can!

Haskell: ψ(ΩΩω) + 999672 points

main=print$f++shows f"$iterate(Z:@)Z";f="data N=Z|N:@N deriving Show;r=repeat;s Z=[];s(a:@Z)=r a;s(Z:@b)=($u b)<$>h b;s(a:@b)=do(f,c)<-h b`zip`s a;f<$>[c:@b,a]\nh=scanl(flip(.))id.t;t(Z:@Z)=r(:@Z);t(Z:@b)=((Z:@).)<$>t b;t(a:@b)=flip(:@).(:@b)<$>s a;u Z=Z;u(Z:@b)=u b;u(a:@_)=a;g f=mapM_$print.((f++shows f\"$s$\")++).show;main=g"

329 bytes of code with ordinal ψ(ΩΩω) + 1. Uses a tree-based representation of ordinals discovered by Jervell (2005). The tree with children α, β, …, γ is denoted α :@ (β :@ (… :@ (γ :@ Z)…)). This left-to-right order agrees with Jervell, although note that Madore flips it right-to-left.

Haskell: Γ0 + 999777 points

main=print$f++shows f"$iterate((:[]).T)[]";f="data T=T[T]deriving(Eq,Ord,Show);r=reverse;s[]=[];s(T b:c)=(++c)<$>scanl(++)[](b>>cycle[fst(span(>=T b)c)++[T$r d]|d<-s$r b]);g f=mapM_$print.((f++shows f\"$s$\")++).show;main=g"

224 bytes of code with ordinal Γ0 + 1. This is based on a generalization of Beklemishev’s Worm to ordinal-valued elements, which are themselves recursively represented by worms.

Haskell: ε0 + 999853 points

main=print$f++shows f"$map(:[])[0..]";f="s[]=[];s(0:a)=[a];s(a:b)=b:s(a:fst(span(>=a)b)++a-1:b);g f=mapM_$print.((f++shows f\"$s$\")++).show;main=g"

148 bytes of code with ordinal ε0 + 1. This is based on Beklemishev’s Worm. The list

map(+1)α ++ [0] ++ map(+1)β ++ [0] ++ ⋯ ++ [0] ++ map(+1)γ

represents the ordinal (ωγ + ⋯ + ωβ + ωα) − 1. So the second-level outputs [0], [1], [2], [3], … represent 1, ω, ωω, ωωω, …, the first-level output represents ε0, and the initial program represents ε0 + 1.

Haskell: ε0 + 999807 points

main=print$f++shows f"$iterate(:@Z)Z";f="data N=Z|N:@N deriving Show;s Z=[];s(Z:@b)=repeat b;s(a:@Z)=scanl(flip(:@))Z$s a;s(a:@b)=(a:@)<$>s b;g f=mapM_$print.((f++shows f\"$s$\")++).show;main=g"

194 bytes of code with ordinal ε0 + 1.

Z represents 0, and we can prove by transfinite induction on α, then on β, that α :@ β ≥ ωα + β. So there are second-level outputs at least as big as any tower ωωω, which means the first-level output is at least ε0 and the initial program is at least ε0 + 1.

Ruby, ψ0X(ψM+1M+1ΩM+1))(0)) + 999663 points

Assuming I understand my program properly, my score is ψ0X(ψM+1M+1ΩM+1))(0)) + 999663 points where ψ is an ordinal collapsing function, X is the chi function (Mahlo collapsing function), and M is the first Mahlo 'ordinal'.

This program is an extension of the one I wrote on Golf a number bigger than TREE(3) and utterly trumps all of the other solutions here for now.

z=->x,k{f=->a,n,b=a,q=n{c,d,e=a;!c ?q:a==c ?a-1:e==0||e&&d==0?c:e ?[[c,d,f[e,n,b,q]],f[d,n,b,q],c]:n<1?9:!d ?[f[b,n-1],c]:c==0?n:[t=[f[c,n],d],n,d==0?n:[f[d,n,b,t]]]};x==0??p:(w="\\"*k+"\"";y="";(0..1.0/0).map{|g|y+="x=#{f[x,g]};puts x==0??p:"+w+"#{z[f[x,g],k*2+1]}"+w+";"};y)};h=-1;(0..1.0/0).map{|i|puts "puts \"#{z[[i,h=[h,h,h]],1]}\""}

Try it online!

Ruby, ψ0I(II)) + 999674 points

z=->x,k{f=->a,n,b=a{c,d,e,q=a;a==c ?a-1:e==0||d==0?(q ?[c]:c):e ?[[c,d,f[e,n,b],q],f[d,n,b],c,q]:[n<1?9:d&&c==0?[d]:d ?[f[c,n],d]:[f[b,n-1],f[c,n,b]],n,n]};x==0??p:(w="\\"*k+"\"";y="";(0..1.0/0).map{|g|y+="x=#{f[x,g]};puts(x==0??p:"+w+"#{z[f[x,g],k*2+1]}"+w+");"};y)};h=0;(0..1.0/0).map{|i|puts("puts(\"#{z[h=[h,h,h,0],1]}\")")}

Try it online! (warning: it won't do much, since clearly (0..1.0/0).map{...} cannot terminate. It's how I print infinitely many programs as well.)

Ruby, ψ0I(0)) + 999697 points

z=->x,k{f=->a,n,b=a{c,d,e=a;a==c ?a-1:e==0||d==0?c:e ?[[c,d,f[e,n,b]],d-1,c]:[n<1?9:d&&c==0?[d]:d ?[f[c,n-1],d]:[f[b,n-=1],f[c,n,b]],n,n]};x==0??p:(w="\\"*k+"\"";y="";(0..1.0/0).map{|g|y+="x=#{f[x,g]};puts(x==0??p:"+w+"#{z[f[x,g],k*2+1]}"+w+");"};y)};h=0;(0..1.0/0).map{|i|h=[h];puts|i|puts("puts(\"#{z[hz[h=[h],1]}\")")}

Try it online!

A more reasonable test program that implements (0..5).map{...} instead:

z=->x,k{f=->a,n,b=a{c,d,e=a;a==c ?a-1:e==0||d==0?c:e ?[[c,d,f[e,n,b]],d-1,c]:[n<1?9:d&&c==0?[d]:d ?[f[c,n-1],d]:[f[b,n-=1],f[c,n,b]],n,n]};x==0??p:(w="\\"*k+"\"";y="";(0..5).map{|g|y+="x=#{f[x,g]};puts(x==0??p:"+w+"#{z[f[x,g],k*2+1]}"+w+");"};y)};h=0;(0..5).map{|i|h=[h];puts("puts(\"#{z[h,1]}\")")}

Try it online!

Unfortunately, even with (1..1).map{...}, you will find this program to be extremely memory intensive. I mean, the length of the output exceeds things like SCG(13).

By using the simpler program, we may consider a few values:

a = value you want to enter in.
z=->x,k{f=->a,n,b=a{c,d,e=a;a==c ?a-1:e==0||d==0?c:e ?[[c,d,f[e,n,b]],d-1,c]:[n<1?9:d&&c==0?[d]:d ?[f[c,n-1],d]:[f[b,n-=1],f[c,n,b]],n,n]};x==0??p:(w="\\"*k+"\"";y="x=#{f[x,k]};puts(x==0??p:"+w+"#{z[f[x,k],k*2+1]}"+w+");";y)};puts("puts(\"#{z[a,1]}\")")

Try it online!

It basically prints the same program repeatedly, in the format of:


where the initialized x records the ordinal the program is related to, and the "..." holds the programs after x has been reduced. If x==0, then it prints


which is a program that prints nothing with a score of zero, hence


has a score of 1, and


has a score of 2, and


has a score of 3, etc., and my original program prints these programs in the format


where ... are the programs listed above.

My actual program actually prints these programs in the format


Infinitely many times, and for values such as ω, it does something akin to

x=ω;puts(x==0??p:"(x=0 program); (x=1 program); (x=2 program); ...")

And thus, the score of the program


is 1+some_ordinal, and the score of


is 1+some_ordinal+1, and the score of

z=->x,k{f=->a,n,b=a{c,d,e=a;a==c ?a-1:e==0||d==0?c:e ?[[c,d,f[e,n,b]],d-1,c]:[n<1?9:d&&c==0?[d]:d ?[f[c,n-1],d]:[f[b,n-=1],f[c,n,b]],n,n]};x==0??p:(w="\\"*k+"\"";y="";(0..1.0/0).map{|g|y+="x=#{f[x,g]};puts(x==0??p:"+w+"#{z[f[x,g],k*2+1]}"+w+");"};y)};puts("puts(\"#{z[some_ordinal,1]}\")")

is 1+some_ordinal+2.

Explanation of ordinals:

f[a,n,b] reduces an ordinal a.

Every natural number reduces to the natural number below it.

f[k,n,b] = k-1

[c,0,e] is the successor of c, and it always reduces down to c.

f[[c,0,e],n,b] = c

[c,d,e] is a backwards associative hyperoperation, are reduces as follows:

f[[c,d,0],n,b] = c
f[[c,d,e],n,b] = [[c,d,f[e,n,b]],f[d,n,b],c]

[0] is the first infinite ordinal (equivalent to ω) and reduces as follows:

f[[0],0,b] = [9,0,0]
f[[0],n,b] = [n,n,n]

[c] is the cth omega ordinal and reduces as follows:

f[[c],0,b] = [9,0,0]
f[[c],n,b] = [[f[b,n-1,b],f[c,n,b]],n,n]
Note the two-argument array here.

[c,d] is ψd(c) and reduces as follows:

f[[c,d],0,b] = [9,0,0]
f[[0,d],n,b] = [[d],n,n]
f[[c,d],n,b] = [[f[c,n,c],d],n,n]

[c,d,e,0] is basically the same as [c,d,e], except it enumerates over the operation [c] instead of the successor operation.

f[[c,0,e,0],n,b] = [c]
f[[c,d,0,0],n,b] = [c]
f[[c,d,e,0],n,b] = [[c,d,f[e,n,b],0],f[d,n,b],c,0]

Java + Brainf***, ω+999180 points

A java program that produces infinitely many Brainf*** programs, of which each produces the last as output.

Why? Because I can.

Any improvements to the Brainf*** generation part are definitely welcome.

import*;import java.util.*;import static java.lang.System.*;
class O{
    static String F(String s){
        String t="++++++++++++++++++++";
        List<Character> c=Arrays.asList('+','-','.','<','>','[',']');
        for(int x=0,i=6;x<s.length();x++){
            int d=c.indexOf(s.charAt(x)),k=d;
        }return t;
    static void p(String a){
        int i=48;while(i<a.length()){out.println(a.substring(i-48,i));i+=48;}
    public static void main(String[]a) throws Exception{setOut(new PrintStream("o.txt"));String b="";while(true)p(b=F(b));}