Make Sqlalchemy Use Date In Filter Using Postgresql

Here are generic solution that also works in SQLite:

day =
next_day = day + timedelta(days=1)
my_data = session.query(MyObject).filter(MyObject.date_time >= day,  MyObject.date_time < next_day).all()

Native SQL functions can be invoked using using func module

from sqlalchemy import func
from datetime import date

my_data = session.query(MyObject).filter( ==


 from sqlalchemy import select, func
 print select(['2004-10-19 10:23:54')])

will produce following SQL:

 SELECT date(:date_2) AS date_1

You can also declare your own shortcuts to SQL functions:

from sqlalchemy.sql.functions import GenericFunction
from sqlalchemy.types import DateTime

class convert_tz(GenericFunction):
    Sqlalchemy shortcut to SQL convert timezone function

    :param DateTime datetime
    :param str from_tz: The timezone the datetime will be converted from
    :param str to_tz: The timezone the datetime will be converted from
    :returns: Datetime in another timezone
    :rtype: DateTime or None if timezones are invalid

    type = DateTime

Used like:

from sqlalchemy import select, func
print select([func.convert_tz(, '+00:00', '-05:00')])

It will generate following SQL:

SELECT convert_tz(now(), :param_1, :param_2) AS convert_tz_1

Using @Ants Aasma Comment.

And to Keep it clean for any web search.

from sqlalchemy import Date, cast
from datetime import date

my_data = session.query(MyObject).\
filter(cast(MyObject.date_time,Date) ==

Thank you all who tried to solve this problem :)

in postgreSQL if date_time_field is one field of your table then quer must like this. Select * from Mytable where date_time_field = '2011-08-16'