Make GIT ignore DLL,PDB and similar generate files

It looks like you had these files already committed before you added your rules to the .gitignore file. Git will continue to monitor files that are already being tracked.

You'll need to make a commit where you remove these files, then they should be ignored afterwards.

Edit: To remove a folder and it's contents recursively, use git rm -r, for example:

git rm -r "./BLLTarifario/bin/"

You'll need to do this for each of the bin and obj directories that you want to delete.

Optionally, you can delete the folders (since they'll be rebuilt at compile time) and run git add -A again to stage the deleted changes. See: Staging Deleted files

Since I only needed to remove them from the REPO I run this command for every single file

git rm --cached BLLTarifario/bin/Debug/BLLTarifario.dll

And the final .gitignore file is this


What is the result if you put


into your .gitignore file .