Make a math function like a picture below

I would use array (and \colon instead of :):

    \phi\colon & R &\to& R\\
    & a+b\sqrt{2}&\mapsto &a+b 

enter image description here

The following requires two compilations with any change within the maximum width of every \eqmakebox[<tag>] using the same <tag>. A second (optional) argument can be specified for aligning the content to the left or right (centred is default).

enter image description here




  \phi \colon \eqmakebox[ab2]{$      R      $} \to     \eqmakebox[ab]{$  R  $} \\
              \eqmakebox[ab2]{$a + b\sqrt{2}$} \mapsto \eqmakebox[ab]{$a + b$}
