Maintaining correct spacing around operators

I am not quite sure, if I correctly understuud your ultimate aim. I take it that you will only use the expressions for demonstration in a notebook or as a part of an image (say, graphics). If this is true, may be using Spacer may help. Let us take your example with and without the spacer:

    Row[{"a", "\[Times]", "b"}]
    Row[{"a", Spacer[2.5], "\[Times]", Spacer[2], "b"}]

it yields

enter image description here

the second example has somewhat larger spaces between the symbols. One can do the same also by using the BoxLanguage:

  StyleBox[RowBox[{"a", Spacer[2.5], "\[Times]", Spacer[1], "b"}], 
  SpanMaxSize -> Infinity] // DisplayForm

enter image description here

I hope it helps. Have fun!

You can also use the option you mentioned, AutoSpacing. This is an option for Cell, so we must use DisplayForm to show the result in the notebook:

 Cell[BoxData@RowBox[{4, "\[Times]", SuperscriptBox[10, 5]}], AutoSpacing -> True]

enter image description here