Magento read-only and hidden product attributes

OK, it looks like it can be done after all. After adding an observer for the catalog_product_load_after event, the lockAttribute method of the Mage_Catalog_Model_Abstract class may be used to make a product attribute read-only. Here is the code for the observer method:

public function lockAttributes($observer) {
    $event = $observer->getEvent();
    $product = $event->getProduct();

Since the catalog_product_load_after event is dispatched for every product load, the attributes supplied in the lock_attributes method are locked after every product load. This could have unexpected results: it is not possible to change the value of the attributes in the lock_attributes method without explicitly unlocking them.

Instead of using the catalog_product_load_after event, it suffices to add an observer for the catalog_product_edit_action event: this event is dispatched only when editing a product in the admin interface.