Magento 2 - Object manager tries to instantiate Abstract class. ( Fatal error )

This can happen if your sub-class added new dependencies after the existing optional dependencies of the parent class.

Snippet from the parent

    \Magento\Quote\Model\Cart\CurrencyFactory $currencyFactory,  // required
    JoinProcessorInterface $extensionAttributesJoinProcessor,    // required
    \Magento\Framework\Model\Resource\AbstractResource $resource = null,       //optional
    \Magento\Framework\Data\Collection\AbstractDb $resourceCollection = null,  //optional
    array $data = [] //optional

How code might alter what is optional

    \Magento\Quote\Model\Cart\CurrencyFactory $currencyFactory,  // required
    JoinProcessorInterface $extensionAttributesJoinProcessor,    // required
    \Magento\Framework\Model\Resource\AbstractResource $resource = null,       // required (even though it has a default value, because it is followed by parameters that don't have default values)
    int $x, // required
    \Magento\Framework\Data\Collection\AbstractDb $resourceCollection = null,  // optional (still optional because there are no required parameters following it)
    array $data = [] // optional

The Magento 2 Object Manager will try to inject any required parameters. So this could happen if you added a required parameter at the end of the constructor.

You can fix this by moving any new required parameter up above the optional ones.