Magento 2: Delete magento product attributes?

If you do not see the delete attribute button then that means the table column 'is_user_defined' in the eav_attribute table is set to 0. By changing this to 1 it will show the delete button.

If you do not know where to go to find the attribute then you can follow the answers. In the admin Stores->Attributes->Products

If it's Product attributes Navigation in admin for delete Stores->Attributes click on Products here you can see all attributes just click on your select attribute and click on delete attribute button.

The eav_attribute table set from 0 to 1 worked perfectly. I had migrated from Magento 1 and had all these left over attributes that needed to be removed but I could not because when they were migrated they treated those attributes like system attributes and therefore could not delete.

That last comment changing the eav_attribute did the trick. Thanks.