Magento 2.2.x cache disabled automatically

This looks like a known issue:
This does happen from time to time on the project I'm working on, but I wasn't able to find the steps to reproduce. All I can say is that it happens during a deployment process.
All I could find is that under certain circumstances a file .regenerate is written in the var folder (either at setup upgrade or composer install / upgrade) and if that file is present when running setup:di:compile the cache is disabled and re-enabled when the compilation process is finished.
For some reason, sometimes the cache is not re-enabled.
We took the quick and dirty approach and made the last step of the deployment process php bin/magento cache:enable to be sure. SO basically we hid the dirt under the rug.

You can find the code that disables the cache in here
It is wrapped in a TODO: remove statement.

For anyone interested, I think I can bring some light about this issue. It seems to be a concurrency (race condition) problem in \Magento\Framework\Code\GeneratedFiles::cleanGeneratedFiles, when the var/.regenerate flag is set, and more than one process/request tries to clean generated files.

It is more likely to happen when you have cron enabled, and many cron groups using use_separate_process config. When more than one process are trying to clean the same, FileIterator fails with different messages similar to: FilesystemIterator::__construct(/Users/adrianmartinez/Sites/r2-project-develop-b2b/environments/2-2-develop-b2b/magento/generated/code): failed to open dir: No such file or directory.

Moving up call to $this->write->delete(self::REGENERATE_FLAG);, just after flag existence check resolves the problem, as the first arriving process marks itself as responsible of cleaning files.

I leave here a demo video about how to replicate the problem:

And the script used for it:


# \Magento\Framework\Code\GeneratedFiles has a concurrency problem
# Create regenerate flag and launch parallel commands that try to regenerate at the same time
# This is a real case, cron:run launches stand alone processes in parallel

# Created by magento composer installer upon code install or module enable/disable
touch var/.regenerate

# Launch parallel commands
# Error differs each execution, sometimes it even works
bin/magento cron:run --group=ddg_automation --bootstrap=standaloneProcessStarted=1 2>&1 &
bin/magento cron:run --group=index --bootstrap=standaloneProcessStarted=1 2>&1 &

echo "All done"