Apple - macOS Sierra: mounting NFS volumes

The accepted answer only works when the NFS server allows connections on non-reserved ports (i.e. >1024).

The exports man pages say it:

exportfs understands the following export options: secure

This option requires that requests originate on an Internet port less than IPPORT_RESERVED (1024). This option is on by default. To turn it off, specify insecure.

For my CentOS 7.3 box this is not the case by default and I had to add insecure to the mount.

So for MACOS client to work you'll have to add the insecure option to your nfs server in your export

E.g.: /my/export

If that's not possible: using mountyou can supply an option to allow reserved ports from the Mac side: sudo mount -t nfs -o resvport server:/my/export nfs

In Finder, press cmd + k and enter the path to the NFS server/share:

connect to server

For me this mounted as /Volumes/users-1 (but I already had /Volumes/Users mounted).

iMac21:~ user$ df -h /Volumes/users-1
Filesystem               Size   Used  Avail Capacity iused     ifree %iused  Mounted on  5.4Ti  4.8Ti  292Gi    95%  261121 366027775    0%   /Volumes/users-1
iMac21:~ user$

If you wanted this to happen on boot you can add it into the login items for your user.