MacOS app does not run on the Xcode simulator

I had a similar problem with Xcode 4.5.2.

To fix it I had to go to the menu Product > Edit Scheme... > Select "Run " (in the sidebar) > Info (tab). In here is a drop down box labeled Executable, select it and choose your app that you wish to launch when the Run button is clicked.

I had the same issue in late 2017 with Xcode 9.2.Uncheck 'Debug Executable'

I had to uncheck 'Debug Executable' and then my app was able to both run and stop.

You can open the settings by clicking Product -> Scheme -> Edit Scheme...


Select the desired active scheme and device/simulator from the toolbar (next to the "play" and "stop" buttons).

The scheme selection should look something like below where the name is that of the appropriate target.

Set proper scheme and device/simulator.

I messed up my settings and had this same issue - builds the app but doesn't launch (either in the simulator or the device).

The answer Product > Edit Scheme got me half way there - then choose Run {your app} on the left. There is a launch Automatically radio button to check: enter image description here


