luksOpen: No key available with this passphrase

LUKS sometimes gives the No key available error message when the cipher isn't supported. Which cipher did you use? For supported ciphers, check /proc/crypto.

Also, passphrase may depend on keyboard layout and (if it has non-ascii characters) charset encoding. The keyboard layout problem can be worked around by adding another passphrase that would match the same keysequence typed in the other layout. So for example if you have one box with a QWERTZ keyboard and another with QWERTY, you could just switch Z and Y for the second passphrase.

Also check dmesg if there are any kernel messages related to opening the encrypted container, it may point you to other errors.

If you're looking for a simpler solution and don't mind redoing it from scratch, how about encrypting the disk at your work computer and then see if you can open that at home.


