Lua: How to look up in a table where the keys are tables (or objects)

In Lua, two tables created separately are considered "different". But if you create a table once, you can assign it to any variables you want, and when you compare them, Lua will tell you that they are equal. In other words:

t = {}
key = { a = "a" }
t[key] = 4
key2 = key
t[key2] -- returns 4

So, that's the simple, clean way of doing what you want. Store key somewhere, so you can retrieve the 4 back by using it. This is also very fast.

If you really don't want to do that ... well, there is a way. But it is kindof inefficient and ugly.

The first part is making a function that compares two separate tables. It should return true if two tables are "equivalent", and false if they are not. Let's call it equivalent. It should work like this:

equivalent({a=1},{a=1})          -- true
equivalent({a=1,b=2}, {a=1})     -- false
equivalent({a={b=1}}, {a={b=2}}) -- false

The function must be recursive, to handle tables that contain tables themselves. It also must not be fooled if one of the tables "contains" the other, but has more elements. I came out with this implementation; probably there are better ones out there.

local function equivalent(a,b)
  if type(a) ~= 'table' then return a == b end

  local counta, countb = 0, 0

  for k,va in pairs(a) do
    if not equivalent(va, b[k]) then return false end
    counta = counta + 1

  for _,_ in pairs(b) do countb = countb + 1 end

  return counta == countb

I'm not going to explain that function here. I hope it is clear enough what it does.

The other part of the puzzle consist on making t use the equivalent function when comparing keys. This can be done with careful metatable manipulation, and an extra "storage" table.

We basically transform t into an impostor. When our code tells it to store a value under a key, it doesn't save it in itself; instead it gives it to the extra table (we'll call that store). When the code asks t for a value, it searches for it in store, but using the equivalent function to get it.

This is the code:

local function equivalent(a,b)
... -- same code as before

local store = {} -- this is the table that stores the values

t = setmetatable({}, {
  __newindex = store,
  __index = function(tbl, key)
    for k,v in pairs(store) do
      if equivalent(k,key) then return v end

Usage example:

t[{a = 1}] = 4

print(t[{a = 1}]) -- 4
print(t[{a = 1, b = 2}]) -- nil

kikito's answer is good, but has some flaws:

  • If you perform t[{a=1}] = true two times, store will contain two tables (leaking memory for the lifetime of the hash table)
  • Modifying the value once you've already stored it doesn't work, nor can you remove it. Attempting to change it will result in the retrieval potentailly returning any value you've assigned to that key in the past.
  • Access performance is O(n) (n being the number of stored entries and assuming that lua's value retrieval from a table is O(1)); combined with the first point, performance of this hash table will degrade with use

(Also note that kikito's "equivalent" function will cause an infinite loop if any table has a circular reference.)

If you never need to change/remove any information in the table, then kikito's answer will suffice as it stands. Otherwise, the metatable must be changed so that the __newindex makes sure that the table doesn't already exist:

t = setmetatable({}, {
    __newindex = function(tbl, key, value)
        for k,v in pairs(store) do
            if equivalent(k,key) then
                tbl[k] = value
        store[key] = value
    __index = function(tbl, key)
        for k,v in pairs(store) do
            if equivalent(k, key) then return v end

As you've suggested, a completely different option is to write a custom hashing function. Here's a HashTable that can make use of that:

local function HashTable(Hash, Equals)
    --Hash is an optional function that takes in any key and returns a key that lua can use (string or number). If you return false/nil, it will be assumed that you don't know how to hash that value.
    --    If Hash is not provided, table-keys should have a GetHash function or a .Hash field
    --Equals is an optional function that takes two keys and specify whether they are equal or not. This will be used when the same hash is returned from two keys.
    --    If Equals is not provided, items should have a Equals function; items are in this case assumed to not be equal if they are different types.
    local items = {} --Dict<hash, Dict<key, value>>
    local function GetHash(item)
        return Hash and Hash(item) or type(item) == "table" and (item.GetHash and item:GetHash() or item.Hash) or item
    local function GetEquals(item1, item2)
        if Equals then return Equals(item1, item2) end
        local t1, t2 = type(item1), type(item2)
        if t1 ~= t2 then return false end
        if t1 == "table" and item1.Equals then
            return item1:Equals(item2)
        elseif t2 == "table" and item2.Equals then
            return item2:Equals(item1)
        return false
    return setmetatable({}, {
        __newindex = function(_, key, value)
            local hash = GetHash(key)
            local dict = items[hash]
            if not dict then
                if value ~= nil then --Only generate a table if it will be non-empty after assignment
                    items[hash] = {[key] = value}
            for k, v in pairs(dict) do
                if GetEquals(key, k) then --Found the entry; update it
                    dict[k] = value
                    if value == nil then --check to see if dict is empty
                        if next(dict) == nil then
                            items[hash] = nil
            --This is a unique entry
            dict[key] = value
        __index = function(_, key)
            local hash = GetHash(key)
            local dict = items[hash]
            if not dict then return nil end
            for k, v in pairs(dict) do
                if GetEquals(key, k) then
                    return v

Usage example:

local h = HashTable(
    function(t) return t.a or 0 end, --Hash
    function(t1, t2) return t1.a == t2.a end) --Equals
h[{a=1}] = 1
print(h[{a=1}]) -- 1
h[{a=1}] = 2
print(h[{a=1}]) -- 2
print(h[{a=1,b=2}]) -- 2 because Hash/Equals only look at 'a'

Naturally, you'll want to get better Hash/Equals functions.

So long as the hashes of your keys rarely collide, this performance of this class should be O(1).

(Note: I'd have put the top half of this answer as a comment to kikito, but I don't have the reputation at this time to do so.)

This is not possible in Lua. If you use tables as keys, the key is that specific "instance" of the table. Even if you make a different table with the same contents, the instance is different, therefore it is a different key.

If you want to do something like this, you can create a kind of hash function, which traverses the table to serve as a key (maybe even recursively if needed) and construct a string representation of the table content. It does not need to be human-readable, as long as it is different for different content and equal for tables with the same content. Apart from using pairs() to traverse the table, you would also need to insert the keys into a table and sort them using table.sort(), because pairs() returns them in an arbitrary order, and you want the same string for "equal" tables.

Once you have constructed such string, you can use it as a key:

function hash(t) ... end
t = {}
key1 = { a = "a", b = "b" }
t[hash(key1)] = 4
key2 = { a = "a", b = "b" }
print(t[hash(key2)]) -- should print "4" if the hash function works correctly

In my opinion, this all is too complicated for the simple task of indexing, and you may want to re-think your wish for indexing using copies of tables. Why would you want such functionality?


If you only need to work with phrases, I think that concatenating them is easier than creating such generic hash function. If you need it for sequences of phrases, you won't actually need to iterate through the tables and sort the keys, just collect the main information from each phrase. You would still need to use a helper function, which can create a suitable key for you:

function pkey(...)
    local n, args = select('#', ...), { ... }
    for i=1,n do args[i] = args[i].value end -- extract your info here
    return table.concat(args, ' ') -- space or other separator, such as ':'          
tab[pkey(phrase1, phrase2, phrase3)] = "value"