Lua : Fetch a webpage

I'd simply use Lua Socket which comes with an http submodule. You can simply use http.request to get a webpage into whatever container you'd want (default is string, but you can use a table, a file, stdio, ... using ltn12 filters and sinks).

As an example:

local http=require'socket.http'
local body, statusCode, headers, statusText = http.request('')
print('statusCode ', statusCode)
print('statusText ', statusText)
print('headers ')
for index,value in pairs(headers) do
    print("\t",index, value)

If you can't find an exact http client library, you could implement on yourself, or build on someone else's work.

In that link, although it is called libhttpd, but the author clearly states that it can be used for anything. Looks like a more usable wrapper around lua sockets.