Lots of Mac Sierra "Service only ran for 0 seconds" log errors

Until Apple fixes this one, a workaround is to move the file com.apple.NowPlayingTouchUI.plist out of /System/Library/LaunchAgents/ (after disabling SIP). This command will move the file to your home directory:

$ sudo mv /System/Library/LaunchAgents/com.apple.NowPlayingTouchUI.plist ~

Logout/login for the changes to take effect.

Just posting an update to this question. The problem only got worse before it has finally disappeared.

My computer hasn't crashed with errors like these for about 3 weeks now, whereas it was crashing every couple of days before so I'm going to consider the problem solved.

I'm not sure exactly what solved it. But to the best of what I can determine the problem was caused by NOT ENOUGH HARD DRIVE SPACE. I probably had about 15G free (on a 250G drive) and I thought that was enough. But once I made about 50G available, the problem has gone.

I don't know definitively if this is the solution/problem, but it fits enough for me. So if anyone is having similar issues, perhaps this will help. Good luck!

