Looping through CollectionView Cells in Swift

They way you're using as in that loop is trying to cast the array of visible cells to a single collection view cell. You want to cast to an array:

for cell in cv.visibleCells() as [UICollectionViewCell] {
    // do something        

or perhaps if you only have MyCollectionViewCell instances, this will work:

for cell in cv.visibleCells() as [MyCollectionViewCell] {
    // do something 

In Swift 5:

There are five cells in section 0. Set each cells' backgroundcolor.

for row in 0..<collectionView.numberOfItems(inSection: 0){

            let indexPath = NSIndexPath(row:row, section:0)

            let cell:UICollectionViewCell = collectionView.cellForItem(at: indexPath as IndexPath) ?? cell

            switch row {
            case 0:
                cell.backgroundColor = .red
            case 1:
                cell.backgroundColor = .green
            case 2:
                cell.backgroundColor = .blue
            case 3:
                cell.backgroundColor = .yellow

                cell.backgroundColor = .white

Im using this code , to loop through all table view cells , even not visible ones , you can use it is applied to collection views for sure ,

check my answer here :
