Loop until grep does not find the text in a file

From grep man page:

   Normally the exit status is 0 if a line is selected, 1 if no lines were
   selected, and 2 if an error occurred.  However, if the -q or --quiet or
   --silent is used and a line is selected, the exit status is 0  even  if
   an error occurred.

So if a line is present, the exit status is 0. Since on bash 0 is true (because the standard "successful" exit status of programs is 0) you should actually have something like:


while grep "sunday" file.txt > /dev/null;
    sleep 1
    echo "working..."

Why exactly are you piping sleep 1 to echo? Though it works, it doesn't make much sense. If you wanted them inline you could just write sleep 1; echo "working..." and if you wanted the echo to run before the delay, you could have it before the sleep call like echo "working..."; sleep 1.