Looking for texts in representation theory

I really like Huppert's Character Theory of Finite Groups. Isaacs book under the same name is also very good, and probably easier to come by; it is about $10 on amazon. I read both of these as an undergraduate (and I hated Fulton and Harris).

There are a few differences between the two. Huppert was written after Isaacs and contains many more results about character degrees, especially where they tie into Huppert's $\sigma$-$\rho$ conjecture. Another thing I like about Huppert (and this is just a personal preference) is that it has slight module-theoretic bias, whereas Isaacs is entirely characters. Huppert also contains more elaborate examples. On the other hand, Isaacs covers projective representations in greater detail, and contains sections on Schur multipliers and Brauer theory, both of which are completely absent in Huppert. Both books have fantastic exposition.