Looking for a better workaround to Chrome select on focus bug

The accepted answer (and basically every other solution I found so far) does not work with keyboard focus, i. e. pressing tab, at least not in my Chromium 21. I use the following snippet instead:

$('#out').focus(function () {
  $(this).select().one('mouseup', function (e) {
  }).one('keyup', function () {

e.preventDefault() in the keyup or focus handler does not help, so the unselecting after a keyboard focus seems to not happen in their default handlers, but rather somewhere between the focus and keyup events.

As suggested by @BarelyFitz, it might be better to work with namespaced events in order to not accidentally unbind other event handlers. Replace 'keyup' with 'keyup.selectText' and 'mouseup' with 'mouseup.selectText' for that.

How about this?

$('#out').focus(function () {
    $('#out').select().mouseup(function (e) {