lodash pick object fields from array

In plain Javascript you could iterate with Array#map and assemble a new object for each object without mutilation the original object.

var results = [{ "_type": "MyType", "_id": "57623535a44b8f1417740a13", "_source": { "info": { "year": 2010, "number": "string", }, "type": "stolen", "date": "2016-06-16T00:00:00", "createdBy": "57469f3c71c8bf2479d225a6" } }],
    res = results.map(function (a) {
        var o = { _id: a._id };
        ["info", "type", "date", "createdBy"].forEach(function (k) {
            o[k] = a._source[k];
        return o;


You could do:

var mapped = _.map(results, _.partialRight(_.pick, ['_id', 'info', 'type', 'date', 'createdBy']));

A little explanation:

  1. _.map(): Expects a function which takes each item from the collection so that you can map it to something else.
  2. _.partialRight(): Takes a function which will be called later on with the its arguments appended to the end
  3. _.pick(): Gets the path specified from the object.

I had the same requirement, and the below solution worked best for me.

let users = [
  "_id": "5ead7783ed74d152f86de7b0",
  "first_name": "User First name 1",
  "last_name": "User Last name 1",
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "phone": 9587788888
  "_id": "5ead7b780d4bc43fd0ef92e7",
  "first_name": "User FIRST name 1",
  "last_name": "User LAST name 1",
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "phone": 9587788888

users = users.map(user => _.pick(user,['_id','first_name']))

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