lodash - group and populate arrays

You can use reduce() and find()

   let arr = [{
	"birthdate": "1993",
	"name": "Ben"
	"birthdate": "1994",
	"name": "John"
	"birthdate": "1995",
	"name": "Larry"
	"birthdate": "1995",
	"name": "Nicole"
	"birthdate": "1996",
	"name": "Jane"
	"birthdate": "1996",
	"name": "Janet"
	"birthdate": "1996",
	"name": "Dora"

const res = arr.reduce((ac, a) => {
let temp = ac.find(x => x.birthdate === a.birthdate);
if (!temp) ac.push({ ...a,
	name: [a.name]
else temp.name.push(a.name)
return ac;
}, [])
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/lodash.js/4.17.5/lodash.min.js"></script>

You can chain groupBy and map to achieve this.

return _.zipObject(['birthdate','names'],s)
return s;

You can use groupBy() to group each item in the collection by birthdate. After grouping the items, you can use map() to iterate each groups and form them into a new format that includes a birthdate and names. To acquire an array of names from the grouped items, you can use the map() function again to return all the name values.

var result = _(source)
    .map(function(items, bdate) {
      return {
        birthdate: bdate,
        names: _.map(items, 'name')

var source = [
    { "birthdate": "1993", "name": "Ben" },
    { "birthdate": "1994", "name": "John" },
    { "birthdate": "1995", "name": "Larry" },
    { "birthdate": "1995", "name": "Nicole" },
    { "birthdate": "1996", "name": "Jane" },
    { "birthdate": "1996", "name": "Janet" },
    { "birthdate": "1996", "name": "Dora" },
var result = _(source)
    .map(function(items, bdate) {
      return {
        birthdate: bdate,
        names: _.map(items, 'name')

document.body.innerHTML = '<pre>' + JSON.stringify(result, 0, 4) + '</pre>';
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/lodash.js/4.17.4/lodash.js"></script>

An simple and customizable pure javascript function to return an array of objects grouped by the attribute needed in the object

export const groupArrayBy = (arr, groupBy) => {

    let newArr = []
    arr.map((item) => {
        if(item[groupBy]) {
            let finded = newArr.filter((newItem) => newItem[groupBy] === item[groupBy])
            if(finded.length > 0) {
            } else {
                newArr.push({category: item[groupBy], products: [item]})

    return newArr

