Lodash - Find deep in array of object

Here's a solution that flattens the elements and then filters the result to get the required elements before summing the val property:

var result = _.chain(data)
    .map('elements')               // pluck all elements from data
    .flatten()                     // flatten the elements into a single array
    .filter({prop: 'foo'})         // exatract elements with a prop of 'foo'
    .sumBy('val')                  // sum all the val properties

Chaining is a way of applying a sequence of operations to some data before returning a value. The above example uses explicit chaining but could be (maybe should be) written using implicit chaining:

var result = _(data)
    .filter({prop: 'foo'})

I've created library that you can use: https://github.com/dominik791/obj-traverse

findAll() method should solve your problem. The first parameter is a root object, not array, so you should create it at first:

var rootObj = {
  name: 'rootObject',
  elements: [
      'a': 10,
       elements: [ ... ]
       'b': 50,
       elements: [ ... ]

Then use findAll() method:

var matchingObjects = findAll( rootObj, 'elements', { 'prop': 'foo' } );

matchingObjects variable stores all objects with prop equal to foo. And at the end calculate your sum:

var sum = 0;
matchingObjects.forEach(function(obj) {
  sum += obj.val;